Thank you for sponsoring our upcoming virtual summit. Below is a guide of your booth responsibilities and helpful tips. Check out the video for a booth tour!
- Edit Booth: The exhibitor contact will get an email to complete and edit the exhibitor booth. The information added there will automatically create your booth.
You can access the exhibitor portal by visiting here and logging in with your credentials. There is no deadline to finalize the booth and you can make edits even when the event is live. BUT, if you want to take part in the testing event the booth needs to be complete on April 12.
Booth Tips and Tricks
Please carefully review the image specifications before creating any specialized images.
The “Logo File” MUST be square with a transparent background. It is recommended to use just a company mark or icon. Avoid a “Background Image File” that includes text, logos (your logo will automatically be added to the upper right corner), or that are very light in color.
The platform automatically adds a light gray transparency to the image and displays the “headline” text in white.
Always note character limits and file size limits.
CREtech determines the size and order of your booth. The order is subject to change. - Register: Exhibitors please use our hidden tickets to register for the event by visiting here. Note, CREtech is not responsible for user names or passwords.
- Spread the word: Invite your clients and leads to attend the summit. Social media share cards in the works.
- Test: Join us for TEST-po, the week of April 13 we will open the expo hall for you to test out your booth. More details/invite to come.
Here are examples of what booth cards look like. These will be featured on the Expo page to drive traffic into your booth. The CREtech booth is a large booth and FUTURE PropTech is a medium booth.
Note the booth card is reactive to the browser window size. The background image should not include words or images that cannot be cropped.

Sponsor/Exhibitor logos: 1080×1080
User avatar: 100×100
Large Booths: For Tier 1/Title and Tier 2/Innovator level sponsors please create a 1920x600 px booth card. Medium Booths: Influencer level sponsors please create a 1920x600 px booth card Small Booths:Demo/Exhibitor level sponsors please create a 1080x1080px booth card
For exhibitors who have upgraded to a main stage demo please follow these directions. Files are due no later than April 15.
All demos will be pre-recorded. All recording and production are the responsibility of the exhibitor. You can use a production company to produce these but they are simple enough to do by yourself with programs you likely are already using. If you need a recommendation for a production company to help you create this please email
- Record: The easiest way to record your demo is to use a platform like Zoom. Use the screen share option to give a demonstration of your product. Make a meeting with yourself and walk potential clients through a quick product highlight.
- Call for Action: Make sure you end the demo with a call to action. The best call to action would be “visit our booth/stand”. You want potential leads to know where to find you if they have questions.
- Edit: If your demo is over ten-minutes or you want to clean anything up, you can use a program like iMovie on Macs to make edits. Editing is not necessary if you are happy with your recording. Any recordings over ten-minutes will be cut at the ten-minute mark.
- Send in File: Send in your final product via Dropbox or Google Drive link by April 15 to The final product should be a MP4/.MOV and no longer than ten minutes.
Questions? Please email