Cloud-Based Intelishare Gives Agents the Ability to Create Elegant CRE Proposals
CREtech Blog

As real estate professionals are well aware, first impressions count. For many CRE professionals, proposals are the first chance they will have to make an impression on a prospective investor. Intelishare, a cloud-based app, is now making it possible for real estate professionals to create elegant commercial real estate proposals and offer memorandums with ease. The resulting brochures are eye-catching, and the easy-to-use app helps CRE professionals save a tremendous amount of time through the automation of several tasks.
With Intelishare, brokers and agents gain the opportunity to impress clients and win more listings. Intelishare also makes it easier to sell listings faster, by presenting offerings with a greater degree of professionalism. Additionally, Intelishare helps to slash costs by reducing the amount of time spent on what has traditionally been a time-consuming process. In the past, it was often necessary for brokers and agents to either outsource the design of brochures or attempt to handle the process in-house. In either case, the process could be both time-consuming and expensive. Today, that is no longer the case.
Gaining a Competitive Edge with Professionally Designed Brochures
By presenting the elegant brochures created by Intelishare, CRE professionals will differentiate themselves from the competition—a factor that can prove to be incredibly beneficial. In highly competitive markets, brokers and agents need to be able to catch the attention of prospective buyers and sellers quickly. Time is of the essence, and commercial real estate professionals cannot afford to lose even a moment. Rather than spending the amount of time that it once took to develop a professionally designed brochure, CRE professionals can now quickly generate brochures on the fly. The faster a broker or agent is able to generate a brochure, the faster they are able to get that brochure in front of a prospective client.
Users are also able to easily customize the look and feel of marketing proposals and offerings. The app is incredibly intuitive, which adds to ease of use. As a result, CRE professionals are able to spend more time on deals rather than learning how to use new a new tool, or spending hours on painstakingly creating brochures. The ease-of-use offered by Intelishare makes it ideal for both small and large brokerages.
Easier, Faster, More Professional Presentations
Presentations also become much easier and professional. Intelishare makes it possible to automatically create full-page maps and elegantly design pages, robust financials, and more. Everything that a client needs to know about a property proposal can be included in a professional easy-to-review design. The end result is a great first impression with clients.
In today's incredibly competitive real estate industry, CRE professionals need every advantage they can possibly find. Saving time, increasing client satisfaction, and making a great first impression allows brokers and agents to work more productively and professionally. This is exactly what Intelishare offers.