CRE App Review Q&A: Duke Long


Long regarded as the "Bad Boy" on the CRE blogging scene, Duke Long knows just as much about CRE Tech as anyone, and he's not afraid to let you know about it! The CRE App Review is happy to have him on as a member of its newly formed Advisory Board, and would like to kick off a series of Q&As featuring our board members starting with the one and only: Duke Long

  1. What's the most exciting trend you are seeing currently in CRE Tech?

Duke: 3D environments like Floored 3D. Not science fiction. It’s reality. Immersive first person reality. The data is true and accurate. It also enables you to interact with the data. Think about it.

  1. How do you discover new tech products in the industry?

Duke: I receive several emails and pitches every week. I also get followed on Twitter by these companies. Angelist and ProductHunt. are great resources.

  1. What are some of your favorite commercial real estate technology products you use on a daily basis?

 Duke: None and that is a sad statement.

  1. Whats the one area of CRE Tech you wish you had a great product for?

Duke: Mobile search and online transaction. Someone will do this soon and own the online commercial real estate world for a long time.

  1. What advice would you give to a real estate professional that is making their first foray into the CRE tech scene?

 Duke: Pick a quality CRM like Apto or ClientLook. With any other app or productivity tool, think mobile and only mobile. If you can’t do it on your phone, you don’t need it. If you think you need it, you are not doing your job right. If your present vendor list does not provide a quality mobile product and there is someone out there already doing it better, switch!

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