Home Automation: No Longer a Future Technology

This may shock you, but there was a time when we couldn't pick a smartphone and order pizza, a movie, and a month’s worse of new razors. But today, technologies are not only gaining momentum in our everyday lives, they’re invading our homes.
The age of automation is changing the way we do things. It helps us with our laundry, it controls our heat and air; it even tells us if we've left the water running or a door unlocked. That’s why Google has been so quick to snatch up growing companies like Nest, and why homeowners are installing more and more technology into their homes.

But it’s not just a trend that’s affecting the homeowner. The rise of this home tech is having a real impact on investors, builders, and contractors.  And as more and more people want the “next big thing” the more this last group will have to stay on top of what is cutting edge.

The truth is, technology is evolving and home automation is next in line for a revolution.

Back to the Future

When Marty McFly went “Back to the Future,” he landed in 2015. While we aren't wearing ridiculous clothes (for the most part) or having a plethora of flying cars, we do have some truly innovative technology that is changing the way we live.

Washing machines that send you text messages when cycles are done is neat. A thermostat that can tell analytically tell you about your heat and air is amazing. Watering your plants, turning on your electric fireplace, or see who is home, all at the touch of button while you’re downtown; that is out of this world.

Technology isn't just helpful, it’s downright fun. It also impresses that child inside us that always wanted a hoverboard as a kid. Oh right, they’re working on that right now.

Affordability is Key

This may be 2015, but we all didn't grow money trees overnight. Things still have to fit into our budget, no matter how cool they might be. Thankfully, home automation is pretty affordable, considering how much it really does.

For example, the Nest Learning Thermostat, which saves you tons on your yearly electric bill by regulating your heat and air, runs about $200. Considering you may save $500 on the year, that’s a pretty sweet deal. Not to mention it notifies you if you have smoke, gas, or carbon-monoxide circulating.

There are also alternatives to the more expensive tech. Alternatives that do pretty much the same thing, but don’t carry the same cost.

Improving Efficiency

As we all know, we have a finite amount of time each day, and during our lives in general. So adding new technology to your home really comes down to whether or not it positively impacts your life, or if it’s just one more hindrance you have to deal with.

Is it easier to walk to the thermostat and change the temperature in the whole house, or program something that controls the temperature in each room?

Time is money, as they say, but it’s also comfort. If you’re looking to live an easier, more efficient lifestyle that frees up a few minutes here and a few moments there, then consider adding some home automation to your life today.

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