HomePrezzo: Online Platform to Collect Localized Statistics and Recent Sales
CREtech Blog

To build a stronger and better real estate business, HomePrezzo is a remarkable marketing tool. You can use this online platform to automatically collect statistics on local people, as well as recent sales. Ultimately, HomePrezzo will help you win more listings because existing and potential clients will be impressed with your digital marketing solution.
With the help of the largest and most respected of all real estate data companies in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, your local market will see you as an expert. You can build a stronger database using social media and send out email updates in the form of videos.
Special Features of HomePrezzo
HomePrezzo offers a number of unique features and benefits, all focused on helping you grow your real estate business.
Suburb Prezzo – Included in this are homes and median price, as well as turnover, listings, days on the market, recent sales, and rental yield. To boost engagement, you can create a personalized welcome slide that incorporates your client’s name when emailing to your database.
Listing Video – The goal in using the “Home Is” feature of HomePrezzo is to evoke emotion in people looking to purchase a home. This particular feature is designed for clients that are still in more of a family, social, and sharing mode as opposed to research and buying mode. With a listing video, you help potential homebuyers evaluate photos and attributes on a social basis. Ultimately, your videos tell a story and become shareable.
Property Value – With this CMA video, focus in on homes, median price, turnover, recent sales, days on the market, and property attributes. To encourage engagement and build trust, you can send your clients a video CMA before or after an appraisal. You have three distinct options: default theme, bright and cheerful, and pre-list professional.
The HomePrezzo Advantage
HomePrezzo transforms digital marketing efforts into something far more innovative and stylish. Your clients will appreciate the fast and friendly updates that focus on their local market. However, HomePrezzo is also enjoyed by professional real estate agents in that it is extremely easy to use, customizable, and highly efficient.
By using HomePrezzo, you will see a significant improvement in your marketing campaign success. Overall, the concept that HomePrezzo brings to the table is simply genius. The videos are easy to develop. Once built, they can be emailed to your database and added to your website and Facebook page.
Unlike similar products on the market, HomePrezzo is affordable. For example, you can go with the free package, which includes one Prezzo each month, unlimited views and shares, automatically updated statistics, templates, unlimited listing videos, and different formats, such as gif, mp4, and pdf.
There are other packages available, as well. For $20 a month, you get five Prezzos per month; for $50, you get 15 Prezzos; and for $100, you get 40 Prezzos. If preferred, you can choose the one-off, which costs $15 per video. Regardless of the package you choose, HomePrezzo is an excellent marketing tool that will boost sales for your real estate company.