A new look and focus for my blog
Michael Beckerman

Perhaps you’ll notice a new look for my blog.
I do really enjoy the process of writing a blog. While a lot of the time it feels like I am writing to an audience of one (me) I nonetheless keep writing because I am passionate about what I have to say. And to anyone that wants to listen, I will keep saying it.
I have been thinking about this blog for a while and realize that what I am most passionate about is content. And specifically content in the real estate industry.
My background in the PR industry was mostly in the real estate sector and my new start up, The News Funnel, is a news aggregator and content solutions platform for the industry as well.
I left my day-to-day responsibilities at Beckerman PR a few years ago to focus my efforts on building my own content platform. My view was that the world of media, PR and content was changing so rapidly and profoundly that I wanted to go where “the puck was headed,” not where it was.
My simplistic view – throw everything you know about media and marketing out the window! Brands are becoming media. Content is king. It’s all about platforms. And the tools have never been simpler and easier to access.
And so my mission is to help professionals and companies understand this and take full advantage of the new content paradigm.
Stay tuned for new blogs about content marketing and as always, I appreciate all feedback.