How Can CREtech Do More To Help During the Pandemic? We Want To Hear From You…


When I set out to build CREtech, I did so with one goal in mind… to build the largest community of real estate tech professionals and enthusiasts in the world. Through hard work and with the help of an extremely talented team, we accomplished that goal.

But for me personally, it was really never so much about the size of the community we built. What meant the most to me were the incredible people I was blessed to connect with on a daily basis. The greatest group of industry professionals I have ever been around in my long, long career. The people I met, their stories, visions and passions inspired me beyond words.

And today, in the midst of these truly frightening times, our community has once again revealed itself to the rest of the business world. The level of support, cooperation, leadership and unselfishness is so inspiring that it makes me and my team want to work even harder to do all we can to help the real estate tech community at large.

While I realize we aren't saving lives, I truly believe that if we can each do our part to help others, we are making a small difference. And, doing something, anything in any context to help, is important to me and my team.

So, this is not an appeal to help CREtech. We are fighting the fight and weathering the storm as best we can just like everyone else. This is to remind everyone of what we are trying to do to help our COMMUNITY and ask for even more suggestions on additional things we could be doing.

In case you missed it, here are a few things we are currently doing to help and also to share some strategies and insights:


But we still want to hear your suggestions on what else we can be doing to help our sector. If you have any other ideas, please let us know here. I always believe we at CREtech can, and should be, doing more to help!

Be safe, be strong and I am confident that our “community” will come through this TOGETHER.

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