Just About One Of The Smartest Marketing Tactics I Have Seen In A Long Time…
Michael Beckerman

In my opinion, this newsletter from NAI Global Newslink is a really, really smart marketing tactic.
It does two things extremely well:It offers great information on market trends.It plugs NAI Global’s own news.
And all of this in a format that is both informative, inviting and easy to digest.
I think this is an amazing template for other companies to follow as well.
As I have been writing about for a while in this blog, we are living in an era of media decline. Disruption in traditional media is causing profound changes in how and where we consume news. But because of this, it’s also a wonderful opportunity for brands and companies to become their own media and to position themselves as thought leaders.
No more middlemen. No more filters. Direct distribution and communication to your target audience.
NAI Global clearly gets this!
Well done!!!