Enhancing Sustainable Real Estate Investment: BBP Unveils Upgraded Acquisitions Sustainability Toolkit

Thanks for keeping up with the CREtech Community in the News! This article features Sarah Ratcliffe, CEO at Better Buildings Partnership, set to take the stage at CREtech London on May 8-9, 2024. For more news about members of the CREtech Community, follow us on Linkedin.
The Better Buildings Partnership (BBP) has unveiled its upgraded Acquisitions Sustainability Toolkit, aimed at aiding commercial property owners in evaluating the sustainability attributes of buildings during the acquisition phase. This enhanced Toolkit offers a comprehensive sustainability checklist covering key areas such as net zero carbon, climate resilience, and biodiversity, empowering users to assess factors influencing asset value and capital investment needs. Additionally, it provides decision trees to navigate complex sustainability considerations and supports seamless asset onboarding into property management processes with a sustainability focus. The Toolkit, developed in collaboration with industry stakeholders, including property owners, advisors, agents, and lenders, is aligned with industry standards and is now available for review or download on the BBP website. Sarah Ratcliffe, CEO of BBP, emphasized the importance of informed decision-making in managing sustainability risks and opportunities, while Brett Ormrod and Julie Townsend, Co-Chairs of BBP’s Investor Engagement Working Group, highlighted the Toolkit's role in supporting transactions teams and advisors in making sustainable decisions during acquisitions.
Join us at CREtech London on May 8-9 as Sarah takes the stage for a panel session titled, "Breathing Life Back Into Our Spaces, Places, and Cities: The Players Behind the Policies"
Original article posted on February 27, 2024