Locatee Announces Workplace Insights Score

Locatee, the leading workplace analytics solution providing industry leaders with critical data-based insights, is proud to announce the Locatee Workplace Insights Score. Developed by Forrester Consulting and commissioned by Locatee, this study and assessment allows workplace managers and C-level executives to quantitatively define how mature their organizations are as it pertains to making decisions related to the rapidly evolving workplace.


The Workplace Insights Score is premised upon the understanding that data is the most valuable resource at a business’s disposal when determining how to best optimize their operations and portfolios. The personalized results take this a step further by providing actionable steps to fill in any gaps in gathering, managing and tracking data at the firm in question, greatly facilitating a business’s ability to improve employee satisfaction and productivity. Additionally, the report provides insights regarding steps that can be taken to meet Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) requirements–key benchmarks that will only step further into the forefront as buildings around the world rise to meet their region’s climate change goals.


“With the new questions that Hybrid Work has raised, we think that the way forward for Corporate Real Estate (CRE) is with a different view on data,” said Sabine Ehm, Thought Leadership & Research Manager at Locatee. “We’ve seen that companies who were regarding diverse insights to shape their future workplace strategies appear more confident. So, we felt there was a need for organizations to better understand where they are in terms of their own data readiness to be able to define the next necessary steps. So, we commissioned Forrester Consulting to develop the study and assessment.”


Through its regularly commissioned and published studies, surveys, reports and other thought leadership, Locatee continues to challenge the unpredictability of the future of the office space. As the return to the commercial workplace progresses, companies will come to rely on these works as invaluable sources of information and guidance as they adapt to a more technology-driven, hybrid and flexible landscape. While this process will come with a degree of experimentation on the part of CRE and Facilities professionals, Locatee aids in these efforts by providing actionable steps that can be managed accordingly to build future-proof and agile environments. With the right technology in place, backed by holistic and comprehensive data, the Locatee Workplace Insights Score helps CRE professionals make informed decisions and take action.

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